PlayStation 5 debiutuje nie tylko w Polsce. Warszawa, Wenecja, Londyn

Na pewno nie tak Sony wyobrażało sobie start konsoli PlayStation 5. Pandemia nie pozwoliła na tłumne fetowanie startu nowej generacji. Dlatego gigant postawił na inną formę promocji.

Premiera PS5 w Warszawie
Premiera PS5 w Warszawie
Źródło zdjęć: ©

Już globalny start PlayStation 5, który odbył się 12 listopada, wypadł imponująco. Zwłaszcza w Japonii, o czym oczywiście pisaliśmy.

Świetlnej prezentacji konsola doczekała się w Warszawie. Miejsce akcji: okolice Rotundy, budynek Widok Towers. Efekt? Zobaczcie sami.

Zaszaleli również Niemcy, którzy filmik postanowili wyświetlić nie na budynku, a na górach.

Kolorowo zrobiło się również we Włoszech. PlayStation 5 przejęło słynne kanały w Wenecji i plac św. Marka.

Ciekawą akcję przeprowadziło Sony w Londynie, przejmując stacje metra nad...

  • LONDON, ENGLAND - NOVEMBER 19: Temporary replacements for the traditional Transport for London roundels at Oxford Circus station showing the Playstation button designs are seen as the PS5 goes on sale in the UK, on November 19, 2020 in London, England. The first generational upgrade to Sony's line of Playstation consoles since 2013, the launch has seen pre-orders sell out within hours and websites crash as retailers attempt to keep up with demand. (Photo by Leon Neal/Getty Images)
  • LONDON, ENGLAND - NOVEMBER 19: Temporary replacements for the traditional Transport for London roundels at Oxford Circus station showing the Playstation button designs are seen as the PS5 goes on sale in the UK, on November 19, 2020 in London, England. The first generational upgrade to Sony's line of Playstation consoles since 2013, the launch has seen pre-orders sell out within hours and websites crash as retailers attempt to keep up with demand. (Photo by Leon Neal/Getty Images)
  • LONDON, ENGLAND - NOVEMBER 19: Temporary replacements for the traditional Transport for London roundels at Oxford Circus station showing the Playstation button designs are seen as the PS5 goes on sale in the UK, on November 19, 2020 in London, England. The first generational upgrade to Sony's line of Playstation consoles since 2013, the launch has seen pre-orders sell out within hours and websites crash as retailers attempt to keep up with demand. (Photo by Leon Neal/Getty Images)
  • LONDON, ENGLAND - NOVEMBER 19: Temporary replacements for the traditional Transport for London roundels at Oxford Circus station showing the Playstation button designs are seen as the PS5 goes on sale in the UK, on November 19, 2020 in London, England. The first generational upgrade to Sony's line of Playstation consoles since 2013, the launch has seen pre-orders sell out within hours and websites crash as retailers attempt to keep up with demand. (Photo by Leon Neal/Getty Images)
[1/4] LONDON, ENGLAND - NOVEMBER 19: Temporary replacements for the traditional Transport for London roundels at Oxford Circus station showing the Playstation button designs are seen as the PS5 goes on sale in the UK, on November 19, 2020 in London, England. The first generational upgrade to Sony's line of Playstation consoles since 2013, the launch has seen pre-orders sell out within hours and websites crash as retailers attempt to keep up with demand. (Photo by Leon Neal/Getty Images)Źródło zdjęć: © Getty Images | Leon Neal

... i pod ziemią.

  • PS5 w londyńskim metrze
  • PS5 w londyńskim metrze
  • PS5 w londyńskim metrze
  • PS5 w londyńskim metrze
[1/4] PS5 w londyńskim metrzeŹródło zdjęć: ©
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playstation 5ps5sony

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