Twórcom BioShocka nie udała się zbiórka na The Black Glove

Twórcom BioShocka nie udała się zbiórka na The Black Glove

Twórcom BioShocka nie udała się zbiórka na The Black Glove
10.11.2014 10:15, aktualizacja: 05.01.2016 15:24

Nie zebrali nawet połowy oczekiwanej sumy.

Byli członkowie załogi Irrational Games, odpowiedzialni za BioShocka, ze swoim nowym projektem uderzyli na Kickstartera, o czym pisaliśmy tutaj. W The Black Glove gracze mieli wpłynąć na przeszłość kilku artystów w taki sposób, by ich dzieła odniosły sukces. Tematyka najwyraźniej nie przypadła do gustu społeczności Kickstartera, bo z oczekiwanych 550 tysięcy dolarów nie zebrano nawet połowy. Do koszyczka wpadło "ledwie" 216,5 tys.

Co dalej z The Black Glove? Twórcy nie zamierzają się poddawać i chcą utrzymać projekt przy życiu. Nie wiadomo, czy ruszy kolejna zbiórka na mniejszą kwotę, czy studio Day For Night Games dogada się z jakimś wydawcą (rozmowy są prowadzone) i wyda produkcję w tradycyjny sposób.

[Źródła: 1, 2]

Marcin Kosman

The Black Glove, a game proposed by developers let go from the former Irrational Games when it shut down unexpectedly in the winter, has ended its crowdfunding campaign more than $300,000 short of its goal. The Black Glove, by Day For Night Games, received $216,517, though that figure was less than half of its $550,000 goal. Per Kickstarter's terms, no money will go to the project. No money goes to a project unless it meets its funding target. Those who backed The Black Glove will not be charged. Their money is effectively returned to them. Day For Night Games, in an update on the Kickstarter page, said it intended to "fight like hell to keep [The Black Glove] from being canceled." They indicated publishers had reached out to them over the past few weeks, and that the studio has "a few other ideas as well. "It may be weeks or months before we have news to report, but we intend to be back with more as soon as possible," the studio wrote. The Black Glove was pitched as a first-person game casting players in the role of someone altering the past of an artist, filmmaker or musician in order to improve their work in present day. Members of the development team included artists and designers from the original BioShock team. "We asked for the total we needed to guarantee that we could self-publish the game within a year with 6+ hours worth of content for $20," Day For Night wrote. "If we turned around immediately and asked for less without having secured the rest of the funds necessary, we wouldn't be able to guarantee our Kickstarter backers that we could deliver the game."

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